Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Gaga on 60 Minutes

Last week CBS anchor, Anderson Cooper, sat down with Lady Gaga for 60 Minutes as a part of an ongoing series of interviews with music superstars. As with anything Lady Gaga does, the interview was more than a little strange. Lady Gaga has long been a advocate for gay rights and recently put out her new single Born This Way, in which she encourages everyone to be strong, brave, and unashamed of who they are. The message pops up again in the interview following:

"Tonight I want you to let go of all of your insecurities. I want you to reject anyone or anything that ever made you feel that you don't belong. Free yourself of these things tonight! Yeah!!!" she encouraged her fans at one show.

"You're hoping to speak to people who feel different, who feel disconnected?" Cooper asked.

"People who feel disconnected from society or disenfranchised, feel like a freak, feel like you don't belong, like you don't fit in, or you'll never be great," she explained.

I like to think, no matter what you think of Lady Gaga's music and fashion, her support of people who are different, is something we can all get behind.

If you would like to see the full interview, check out the 60 Minutes website by following the link below:

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