Monday, March 21, 2011

It gets better event @ page 1!

If you don't know what the It gets better project is you've clearly been living under a rock, the it gets better project was started as a result of the rash of suicides of gay youth that had been bullied.

The It Gets Better Project has come to Albuquerque! Local book retailer Page 1 is planning an event surrounding the release of the It Gets Better Book!
From their press release:
We will be holding this event on Sunday, April 10th at 2pm. If you would
like to be involved in planning, have some ideas for the event, or would
just like to come and support this event, we'd love to hear from you! You
can contact us at

So if you have any ideas that you want to share please contact Page 1, remember Queer youth are heavily effected by bullying, if you see anyone who is being bullied or you yourself are being bullied please talk to an adult and remember IT GETS BETTER!

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