Thursday, March 31, 2011

"Let's Talk About Sex" World Premiere

On Saturday April 9th, TLC will be broadcasting the film "Let's Talk About Sex" discussing how Americas obsession and simultaneous refusal to talk about sex is effecting our youth. It specifically confronts the lack of sex education in our schools and how our abstinence only policy leads America's youth to make uninformed and risky decisions about sex.

From the film maker:
While American teens live in a society that uses sex to sell everything from lipstick to laptops, they are rarely afforded opportunities to discuss sex and sexual health in an open, honest way. Through interviews with real parents and teens, health experts, and faith leaders, director James Houston presents a revealing look at how American attitudes towards adolescent sexuality impact teenagers. The United States has among the highest teen pregnancy and STD rates in the industrialized world. Produced in collaboration with Advocates for Youth, LET’S TALK ABOUT SEX is both a catalyst and a tool to initiate healthy conversations in kitchens and classrooms across the country.
Controversial? Defiantly! I can't wait to see it. Students, grab a parent and sit down, this is EXACTLY what we need to be talking about.

The show starts April 9th @ 10pm/9pm Central.

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