Monday, March 21, 2011

UNM Queer student day

On Saturday, April 2nd, the UNM LGBTQ Resource Center is going to be hosting a Queer Student UNM Day as a prospective student day for LGBTQ and Ally high school students who may be interested in attending UNM. This will include a campus tour and general information about UNM, but will also focus specifically on what it is like to be an LGBT student here. We will be holding a panel that will include people from a number of the support services departments on campus, such as the LGBTQ Resource Center, Residence Life, Career Services, and representatives from different student groups. I think that much of this information would be useful even to students who may be planning on going to college elsewhere. I think that it's important for LGBTQ students to be aware of the support systems that are in place at universities and to know how to access these services, as it can greatly ease the transition to college, whether that be at UNM or elsewhere.

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