Monday, March 21, 2011

Ricky Martin Spreading the Love!

Just one year since coming out as a fortunate homosexual man Ricky Martin has experienced a boom in his career, which he spoke about while accepting the GLAAD Media Awards.

Since coming out Martin's twitter account has more then tripled in the number of followers, his new album is a success and he and his two children are happy and healthy. However all of these boons in fortune are not enough for Ricky.

When he accepted the GLAAD media award he proposed a mission "Let's share the love! Let's go to Mexico! Let's go to Columbia! Let's go to Argentina! Let's go to Chile! Let's go to Brazil! We need you GLAAD – we need you down there," he said. "I can help, I can do it! I'll be part of it. I want to be part of it."

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